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If you're new to DIY or you've been doing it for years and you just want to enjoy it more, then this is the place to come for DIY advice, tips and tricks.


Keep safe and remember that when it comes to most things with mains electrics and major plumbing, these are best left to the professionals.

All images and videos are subject to copyright, are not for reproduction and remain the property of Handyman Jo 2019 ©



Hi, my name's Jo and I've been interested in all things DIY

for more years than I care to remember. I started when I was

in my teens, doing the odd job or two for my Mum and Dad, and as word spread, uncles, aunts and grandparents soon had their very own handyman.


There was no internet back then so I soaked up as much information from books and the TV. Soon it was time to move into my own place and the DIY tasks really took off. As my confidence and experience grew, so did the size of the projects. I ended up renovating a Victorian house from top to bottom, learning all the time.


Now it's time for me to start and pass on what I've learnt, so over the coming weeks and months, you'll get to grips with things you never thought possible. From putting together your very first toolkit, putting up a set of shelves, to, well turning your hand to just about anything.

The real Handyman Jo

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